Development Environments

Microsoft Visual Studio C++/C#, QT Creator, Borland C++ Builder, CoDeSys, Keil µVision, CooCox, Eclipse, NetBeans, LabView


UML-Tools MS Visio, IBM Rhapsody, Graphics Libraries Ogre3D, DirectX, OpenGl

Operating Systems

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Win7, Win10, Win 10 IoT, Linux Ubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Raspbian

Analytics Tools

MATLAB and Simulink, CANAlyser, CANDB, static code analysis with PC-Lint and CCCC


MySQL, SQLite, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server


PCB-Design with Eagle, microcontroller-programming (PIC, AVR, ARM7, ARM Cortex M3/4 …)


Requirements and test management with IBM (Telelogic) Doors, version management withTortoise SVN and CVS, ticket system Mantis BT, use of self-learning algorithms with artificial neural networks, system design and concepts according to V-model (development standard of the government).

Efficient, project-specific support in the application of SW-tools (Requirement-Management to Acceptance-Tests) for high-quality development of systems, also for discipline-comprehensive activities.


Martin Bussas